Review: Helen Had a Sister by Penelope Haines

Review by Lilian Morrison

I really enjoyed this book. While I was familiar with the Wooden Horse of Troy legend I was not aware of the history leading up to this siege, This book as filed me in on that. The story is about Clytemnestra and is written from her point of view.

Penelope Haines’ interpretation of all that happened is not the only interpretation of some of the incidents (my post reading the book research via Google). The part where Iphigenia was sacrificed to the gods has more than one interpretation and Penelope bought two of these into the story; one that the story said actually happened and another in a rumour spread about it. That there are different interpretations in no way detracts from Penelope’s story.

All the characters are well developed and believable and I could imagine the scenes as she described them.

I particularly likes that the font is an easy to read size, so I don’t need my kindle for this book.


Order Helen had a Sister from us now. RRP $32

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